Saturday, 30 October 2010

National Housing Dilema

LOOK for Dodgy phrase in Terms of Reference, Aims:

Ministerial working group on preventing and tackling homelessness

Terms of Reference


The aim of the Ministerial Working Group is to prevent and reduce homelessness, and improve the lives of those people who do become homeless. By bringing the relevant Government departments together to share information, resolve issues and avoid unintended policy consequences, we will be able to help enable communities to tackle the multi-faceted issues that contribute to homelessness.

Well, the Housing Benefit cap, and the Cessation of Permanent Tenure, amongst other things are INTENDED policies with consequences.

Unintended policy consequences - Urban Cleansing, Homelessness, Major Disenfranchisation - Should be dealt with by this Working Group. 

Unless the unintended policy consequences above are actually Intended. So then what will the working party actually do?

I leave these innocent thoughts with you all.

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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent