Friday, 27 September 2013
Bizarre. I dont know the other persons circumstances either.
Sent a Couple of tweets agreeing with sentiment on If you get sick you shouldnt get
broke. Based
on a sentiment promoting Obama Care.
Then, I replied to intial q's. Then this.
My tweets in this part deleted because I was shut down like a leaky nuclear reactor.
Albie Y. Pabon @PabonMatriarch
@Jules_Clarke @Catballou Okay thanks. Now please explain each of your tweets one at a time so they are understandable.
Albie Y. Pabon @PabonMatriarch
@Jules_Clarke @Catballou Europe's economy is still in stress. Austerity only hurts those who can least afford it. So sorry.
Albie Y. Pabon @PabonMatriarch
@Jules_Clarke @Catballou Are you assuming that ObamaCare is the same as your system. Don't you have universal health care?
Albie Y. Pabon @PabonMatriarch
@Jules_Clarke @Catballou The reality in my life, I don't deal well with tweeters who overwhelm my time line. I think that we should cease.
@Jules_Clarke @Catballou Please cease sending me tweets. That website is quite vulgar. Don't appreciate it. Thank you.
@PabonMatriarch @Catballou I've deleted tweets to you. Sorry if you find vulgarity in a struggle for justice.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Episode in the life of someone with depression...
The witness at my recent WCA told the Nurse assessing me that sometimes i go "Manic". I hate that term.
So today, I witnessed a bit of mania of myself, and tweeted it.
Mental health is a mixed bag, depression is VERY hard to cope with.
I asked should I blog it? There were direct personal messages saying I should, and one publicly saying please do so here it is.
OOOH techy gleeeeeeee! I just fixed the broadcom onboard for the lappy rf, by twiddling with a bit of bios. Me? FFS . Wooh
To confirm. I - AM - NOT - A - TECHY - BY - A - LONG - SHOT . But woooh
I found that some bit of shiz had altered the bios. And I FIXED IT. So ner-ner-ner to the shiz that fukd it up.
*Jules is chuffed*
Fiddling with guts of machines isnt my thing. But thought what the hell. Scared, like, but Knew recovery if i broke it. So went in &did it.
Also did a few checks in terminal, which im lightly aware of. But found that reported NO FAULTS, so BIOS fukabout it was then.
Happy as a pig in shit that it worked though, if it hadnt ........
That, i think can be a by-product of depression. "This *must work* hell or high water, with gusto and anger drive.
Thats a window into the soul. A result. If the result HADNT HAPPENED, you wouldnt have seen this blog, or me for dust. It Wouldve sent me.... *YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW WHERE*
So today, I witnessed a bit of mania of myself, and tweeted it.
Mental health is a mixed bag, depression is VERY hard to cope with.
I asked should I blog it? There were direct personal messages saying I should, and one publicly saying please do so here it is.
OOOH techy gleeeeeeee! I just fixed the broadcom onboard for the lappy rf, by twiddling with a bit of bios. Me? FFS . Wooh
To confirm. I - AM - NOT - A - TECHY - BY - A - LONG - SHOT . But woooh
I found that some bit of shiz had altered the bios. And I FIXED IT. So ner-ner-ner to the shiz that fukd it up.
*Jules is chuffed*
Fiddling with guts of machines isnt my thing. But thought what the hell. Scared, like, but Knew recovery if i broke it. So went in &did it.
Also did a few checks in terminal, which im lightly aware of. But found that reported NO FAULTS, so BIOS fukabout it was then.
Happy as a pig in shit that it worked though, if it hadnt ........
That, i think can be a by-product of depression. "This *must work* hell or high water, with gusto and anger drive.
Thats a window into the soul. A result. If the result HADNT HAPPENED, you wouldnt have seen this blog, or me for dust. It Wouldve sent me.... *YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW WHERE*
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Important. Researcher needs to talk to Disabled Graduates.
Very important research that will then be shared on line with findings etc.
I'm a postgraduate student doing Psychology MSc. I urgently require between 8 and 15 graduates, for interviews within the next few days, on the subject of unemployed and underemployed, who have been in this situation, preferably for at least 6 months, about their experiences of this situation.
What is said in interview will be kept completely confidential and anonymous, in accordance with the university ethics committee requirements, that is also in accordance with British Psychological Society professional guidelines on confidentiality and ethics.
I can personally meet up with any participants, in North West England, due to transport time and cost, but at any location in the NW that anyone is comfortable with. I also have the facilities on my PC to interview anywhere in UK or abroad via Skype, audio only, as no video or visuals are required for the interviews, as it is what the participant has to say that counts.
Full university contact details will be provided to all participants, and only one interview per person is required.
I can also be contacted by on Twitter @ImaTigerrr by open tweets or by Direct Message (DM) or via this blog that Jules is kind enough to offer. I would like to interview disabled graduates in particular as I think it is important to get across the extra difficulties that graduates find in gaining suitable employment, which they deserve.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Dear ATOS - Right here Right now not 2015...
Dear ATOS + Monsieur Thierry Breton
My next WCA in UK is TODAY , TUESDAY 24th SEPT.... and I could ask the Guy/Lady "wanna feel my glands they always swollen from inner fightings? Wanna? " probably wont though
Dear ATOS theres invisible stuff right? Get a fibroscan machine, and an gastroscope and in 15 minutes youd never wanna see me again.
Dear Atos . last proceedure: The notes said Chronic with varices. You probably dont fucking care. BUT THAT IS BIG SHIT RIGHT THERE.
Dear ATOS my main tablets are bad fuckers and last chance treatments cos all the others didnt work, if these give up i die. WHAT DONT U C?
Dear ATOS i'm almost permanently tired fighting comorbidities and side fx. But really dont expect an IT co to see that.
Dear ATOS one of the most important parts of my body is damaged. It wont get fixed. WHY YOU ASKING ME IF IM BETTER?
Dear ATOS i suffer mentally too, Insomnia from the lifesaving tablets , oh the irony, and depresion. JOIN THE FUCKING DOTS
Dear ATOS yes i've signed #WOWpetition very early on, because the system is fucked.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
UN exploring Human Rights Issues In the UK
Following a visit to the UK by a leading worldwide housing expert, The government shot itself in the foot by objecting at the visit, which publicised it further.
The UN said the most agressive response from its housing rights investigations yet by its Special Rapporteur. GUARDIAN ARTICLE
This, was essentially regarding Part of the Welfare reform Act , and a thing referred to colloquially as the Bedroom Tax.
The visit was to ascertain the human rights abuses (or not) this part of legislation was (or wasnt) causing.
The initial Expert Statement, a summary of the visit was pretty damning of this govts human rights abuses in housing benefit restrictions, and general policy.
It now transpires, the investigation is widened into Employment and Support allowance procedures/ and effects and looking at the already condemned by many Work Capability Assessments, the decisions from them, and the failings of welfare reform as a whole.
To that end they have extended their investigations:
Email your ESA and WCA stories to UN inspector Raquel Rolnik:
Also please scroll down a bit and click the WOW symbol and sign Wowpetiton .
I found this and thought you'd need to see it.
I'd suggest this time it's a bit more organised with groups working out petitions which make a case. As the statement beneath makes it clear - individuals are sending in effectively random material. WE need to be FOCUSED.
"From the U.N Sent me This ... SPREAD THE WORD !!!
We have received information about the ATOS Centres; but Ms. Rolnik is rapporteur for the right to adequate housing and her report has to stay on this theme.
However, I strongly advise you to write to the Special Rapporteur on the right to health (Mr. Anand Grover -
Maybe they can help with this!
Best regards,
This means the responses on WCA ESA and petition (call for action, not a signature list) has been far too random.
Please Email Anand Grover as above with ATOS stories, and your failures of system on WCA/ esa awards .
The UN said the most agressive response from its housing rights investigations yet by its Special Rapporteur. GUARDIAN ARTICLE
This, was essentially regarding Part of the Welfare reform Act , and a thing referred to colloquially as the Bedroom Tax.
The visit was to ascertain the human rights abuses (or not) this part of legislation was (or wasnt) causing.
The initial Expert Statement, a summary of the visit was pretty damning of this govts human rights abuses in housing benefit restrictions, and general policy.
It now transpires, the investigation is widened into Employment and Support allowance procedures/ and effects and looking at the already condemned by many Work Capability Assessments, the decisions from them, and the failings of welfare reform as a whole.
To that end they have extended their investigations:
Email your ESA and WCA stories to UN inspector Raquel Rolnik:
Also please scroll down a bit and click the WOW symbol and sign Wowpetiton .
I found this and thought you'd need to see it.
I'd suggest this time it's a bit more organised with groups working out petitions which make a case. As the statement beneath makes it clear - individuals are sending in effectively random material. WE need to be FOCUSED.
"From the U.N Sent me This ... SPREAD THE WORD !!!
We have received information about the ATOS Centres; but Ms. Rolnik is rapporteur for the right to adequate housing and her report has to stay on this theme.
However, I strongly advise you to write to the Special Rapporteur on the right to health (Mr. Anand Grover -
Maybe they can help with this!
Best regards,
This means the responses on WCA ESA and petition (call for action, not a signature list) has been far too random.
Please Email Anand Grover as above with ATOS stories, and your failures of system on WCA/ esa awards .
Reporting of appeals is NOT good enough. The DWP are hiding information.
VIA Ilegal. Thanks to NICK (Cross posted here so you can see the way DWP are failing)
Latest figures now show over half a million 'incomplete' records
The latest DWP Work Capability Assessment highlight a worsening problem within the department.
It's their complete failure to produce up to date records of the results of appeals made by Employment & Support Allowance claimants against decisions to refuse them their benefits.
It's hardly surprising that Iain Duncan Smith is stalling his appearance before a select committee which was due to take place in September. His excuse being that his Department's annual records won't be ready in time - a somewhat bizarre state of affairs coming from the man who continually tries to reassure Parliament that his plans to implement Universal Credit are well 'on track' to transform the lives of 8 million households when in reality his 'national' roll out has after 3 years in government so far only hit two jocentres dealing with the simplest of Jobseeker Allowance claims.
We have already highlighted how benefit appeals are rising to shocking proportions with over 1.3 million being heard since the Coalition too up office at a total cumulative cost of half a billion pounds.
The most controversial appeals concern the Employment & Support Allowance. Their is clear evidence from the HMCTS Tribunal records that up to December 2012 no less than 833,299 appeals have been received at Tribunals with many more additionally being made directly made to the DWP - a figure which will now almost certainly considerably exceed 1 million by the time additional 'requests for reconsiderations' have been taken in to account.
No excuse for delays
The DWP is rapidly being exposed as a department which simply can't keep up with the pace of the welfare reforms set by Government ministers. The latest DWP assessment statistics produced this week show that up to November 2012, 3,441,200 Work Capability Assessment outcomes have been recorded but when it comes to appeals the department's figures aren't even up to date as far back as May 2012 - 15 months behind time.
It is beyond inexcusable that as the date of the publication of these latest statistics on the 25th July 2013 the DWP has only managed to collate a total of 332,400 'outcomes' arising out of its own reconsiderations and the 833,299 cases which have been dispatched to the Tribunals.
There is little sign that the DWP is doing anything to keep on top of things. The equally under pressure Tribunals have managed to produce up to date records going back to last Christmas and yet 7 months on the DWP has done nothing to input the results - you have to wonder why?
Perhaps the clue is in the results?
The DWP has earned a reputation for being all too eager to let us all know how many thousands have been found fit for work. Indeed, a glance at the latest data for new ESA claimants tells us that up to November 2012, 946,100 claimants have been supposedly found 'fit for work'.
But a glance at the same data when 'adjusted for appeals' tells us that the 946,100 'fit for work' figure falls to 820,400 after inputting the results for 332,400 appeals & reconsiderations. A reduction of 125,700 in the numbers found fit for work appears to be a figure which the DWP wants to suppress rather than promote - you have to wonder why?
The latest figures reveal that the numbers of 'unknown outcomes' has now risen to 514,100 as of May 2012 - in the last statistical release the figure was 481,700. It's a figure which 15 months on is likely to be much higher. Again you have to wonder why the DWP is doing so little to get up to date and make the results of appeals more widely known.
When you break the figures down after appeals & reconsiderations you see that 428,200 new ESA claimants in the 'Work Related Activity Group' increases to 542,600 and the 310,000 placed in the Support Group rises to 321,300 - figures which would be even higher if the DWP sorted out the 514,100 unknown results.
What we can also see from these latest figures is that of the 542,600 claimants placed in the Work Related Activity Group (from a fit for work decision adjusted after appeal for a new ESA claim) 116,600 are being placed in the group after an appeal and 82,600 after claimants have asked for a reconsideration - again bear in mind the 514,100 unknown outcomes.
What these figures are showing is that in addition to the huge number of 833,299 cases going to appeal tribunals a fair percentage are also saying to the DWP 'I'm not happy with your original decision, I want you to look at it again' (a reconsideration is in effect still an appeal because unless the DWP changes the decision the claimant can and often will go on to dispute their case before a Tribunal.
My guess is that up and down this country the DWP is sitting on top of well over half a million appeals as evidenced by the high numbers still languishing in the assessment phase.
The question is are they doing so deliberately to play down results that show more and more claimants are having decisions found in their favour? - something which this government would find deeply damaging to its never ending scrounger rhetoric.
This is both chaos and an act of deliberately withholding appeal results - it's nothing short of a scandal that IDS can't own up to the increasingly obvious evidence that his handling of welfare reforms has become nothing short of inept.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
The system is fucked
Frightening CASE STUDY: Someone I know. ESA contrib notified in feb that it would stop round about now, and as usual no "what happens next info" Loads of fone calls made by person. Backdrop . Recieves pension credits as in transit age group. The phone calls cos BENEFIT STOPPED. Crisis loans are gone, but ADVISED by JCP/DWP to CLAIM for one. (fault one) . Also each call made successively about same problem answered with "its not on our system that youve contacted us" (fault 2) . Next: "we'll agree an emergency bens payment" after a week with no money. "how long will this take? " was asked. "about 3-4 working days" was answer. That was no good. (fault 3) Another phone call to DWP about transfer to income based ESA claim. ... "sorry you cant claim TWO income based benefits at once and you have pension credits" NO WHERE STATED IN ANY RULES (fault 4) Back to pensions credits... A payment is due of 400 quid (which person affected should already have, as thats accrued missing payments) "how long will that take?" about a week. (fault 4) This is a synopsis the person KNOWS what they are doing. Theres more faults than identified. A briefing will be going to MP accordingly by this person. Many that CANT afford to help, have helped in the interim, not just stressing the person but the people helping too. IS THIS WHAT OUR COUNTRY HAS COME TO? - Please note this is ONE case. There are MANY MANY more.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Reality Check for those that deny realities of the Sick
Some crowdsourced items to bear in mind. ....
Feeling the cold : Needs energy use. Often Higher cost than those not ill.
Apparently Lowest benefits in europe.
Social exclusion : lack of engagement funds.
Disruption to things people who arent ill take for granted.
Some feel its like being in jail. Being sick. May I quote Indio in 'For a few dollars more."
when referring to jail. "No Amore. No Dinero, No Sun."
Uncertainty. Not knowing how will be day to day, week to week.
Not being able to plan or commit to things.
Being Ill longterm is "not what you think" if you aren't
PREMIUM rate telephone numbers for helplines.
Forms, lots of forms.
Media misrepresentation.
--------------- The list is far more. But hey. Each of the above .
Feeling the cold : Needs energy use. Often Higher cost than those not ill.
Apparently Lowest benefits in europe.
Social exclusion : lack of engagement funds.
Disruption to things people who arent ill take for granted.
Some feel its like being in jail. Being sick. May I quote Indio in 'For a few dollars more."
when referring to jail. "No Amore. No Dinero, No Sun."
Uncertainty. Not knowing how will be day to day, week to week.
Not being able to plan or commit to things.
Being Ill longterm is "not what you think" if you aren't
PREMIUM rate telephone numbers for helplines.
Forms, lots of forms.
Media misrepresentation.
--------------- The list is far more. But hey. Each of the above .
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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)
During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent

VIRTUAL RESISTANCE /The VIRTUAL GHERKIN On Wednesday May 11th thousands of disabled people, their families and supporters from all over the...