Thursday, 5 September 2013

The system is fucked

Frightening CASE STUDY: Someone I know. ESA contrib notified in feb that it would stop round about now, and as usual no "what happens next info" Loads of fone calls made by person. Backdrop . Recieves pension credits as in transit age group. The phone calls cos BENEFIT STOPPED. Crisis loans are gone, but ADVISED by JCP/DWP to CLAIM for one. (fault one) . Also each call made successively about same problem answered with "its not on our system that youve contacted us" (fault 2) . Next: "we'll agree an emergency bens payment" after a week with no money. "how long will this take? " was asked. "about 3-4 working days" was answer. That was no good. (fault 3) Another phone call to DWP about transfer to income based ESA claim. ... "sorry you cant claim TWO income based benefits at once and you have pension credits" NO WHERE STATED IN ANY RULES (fault 4) Back to pensions credits... A payment is due of 400 quid (which person affected should already have, as thats accrued missing payments) "how long will that take?" about a week. (fault 4) This is a synopsis the person KNOWS what they are doing. Theres more faults than identified. A briefing will be going to MP accordingly by this person. Many that CANT afford to help, have helped in the interim, not just stressing the person but the people helping too. IS THIS WHAT OUR COUNTRY HAS COME TO? - Please note this is ONE case. There are MANY MANY more.

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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent