Sunday, 11 November 2012


People's Review of the Work Capability Assessment RELEASED 8am on Monday
12 November.

Twitter info: First tweets will be from @weRspartacus using the hashtag

The linked review is the product of many months of work by the anonymous
author. We are deliberately publishing before Harrington publishes his
final review, so that in addition to Harrington there is a report in the
public domain which tells the story from the perspective of sick and
disabled claimants.

The report is embargoed until Monday, but we wanted you to have the
opportunity to prepare any blogposts etc now. We would also appreciate
help on Twitter, using the hashtag: #realWCA Main tweeting will be done
from the Spartacus twitter account, @weRspartacus - so keep an eye on that
account to see what's happening!
Thanks the We are Spartacus team for letting me share here.

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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent