Volunteering In the Arts Toolkit Training - Some Places Left
Date: 11th December 2012
Time: 10am - 1pm
Venue: Board Room, Macc, 3rd Floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW
To Book: http://bit.ly/TGm12j
(please pass this information on to anyone you think may be interested)
• The training session will give voluntary arts groups the necessary skills/experience to recruit, retain and support volunteers.
• Toolkit is a 'how to guide' to improve groups volunteer management skill base and current levels of support.
Small to medium voluntary arts and craft groups.
The training workshop aims to provide small to medium voluntary arts groups with specialist advice/guidance support in improving and strengthening their current volunteer management support systems.
It is an informal session to discuss volunteering in the round and what processes need to be in place to recruit/retain volunteers. Groups will have a chance to talk about their volunteer programmes and current skill gaps or worries/concerns.
Arts groups in general don't see themselves as third sector organisations so don't always link into localised support. Workshop aims to hook groups into local networks of support including the volunteer centre.
Groups will also work through a self assessment review - so they can identify current strengths/weaknesses with their current volunteer programme. You will have an opportunity to learn more about the work of Voluntary Arts: Running Your Group – e learning materials, Epic Awards, Voluntary Arts Week, Up for Arts.
Voluntary Arts England, Laraine Winning
Volunteer Centre Manchester
Local Authority Arts Officer
Volunteer Centre Manchester will attend session to talk through their role and how they can support arts groups – promoting what they do but also helping with volunteer recruitment/brokerage. Local network of local authority arts officers will also offer support.
TRAINING - Manchester Social Media Surgeries
What do you want to achieve by using social media in your workplace?
• Are you 'Facebooked out?!' Need help with your account?
• Do you want to know what everyone is twittering on about?
• Have you already got a wordpress account and have specific questions for us?
• Do you want to use video or pictures on the web to raise the awareness of your group or cause?
Your place is free! To book visit: http://socialmediasurgery.com/surgeries/manchester
Come and bring any social media questions and our volunteers and social media experts will help you out!
*Many Thanks
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