A small THING about Liberty. Inequality and Benefits

Can all those with Computer access ask the media to condemn the ONLINE
ONLY switch for benefits.

There are some of us who have limited or no net access.

The compulsion for someone to HAVE net access and register a CV on line,
and register with a jobsite under Universal Jobsmatch and to sign access
away to personal online activity to the DWP is ASSUMPTIVE, DRACONIAN,
Removal of privacy, and enforced control over individuals that is a step
to far. ANd even if a jobseeker is on line 30 odd hours a week of data
searching and on line activity could cost most of the benefits meaning No
food, heating or other bills. Its tough as it is.

The Idea that those just losing jobs and claiming WILL have a computer is
ludicrous. The Demographics within those not on the net are there to be
found. I wont find them for you. That is for you if you beleieve that the
GOVT is wrong in this.

I do.

EMAIL CONTACTS: (You may need to copy and past these links into your

1 BBC mike.sergeant@bbc.co.uk

2 Have your say bbc.co.uk/haveyoursay

3 ITV Tonight mailto: tonight@itv.com

4 Channel 4 News news@channel4.com

5 Five studio@five.tv

6 Sky news@sky.com & newsonline@bskyb.com

7 Newsnight newsnight@bbc.co.uk

8 Politics Show politicsshow@bbc.co.uk

9 Andrew Marr show
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/andrew_marr_show/8379560.stm (Leave

10 form for This week with Andrew Neal


11 The Independent
Letters: letters@independent.co.uk

12 The Guardian
News: home@guardian.co.uk
Letters: letters@guardian.co.uk

13 The Morning Star
News: lettersed@peoples-press.com

14 The Evening Standard
Letters: letters@standard.co.uk

15 The New Statesman

16 The Telegraph
Letters: dtletters@telegraph.co.uk

17 The Mirror
Letters: mailbox@mirror.co.uk

18 The Times
News: editor@the-times.co.uk
Letters: letters@the-times.co.uk

19 The Sun
News: editor@the-sun.co.uk
Letters: talkback@the-sun.co.uk

20 The Daily Mail
News: editorial@dailymailonline.co.uk
Letters: letters@dailymail.co.uk

21 The Observer
editor letters@observer.co.uk

If you want to contact your MP and why not? Here's a useful link to find
your MP's email address:

Many Thanks



  1. I got a copy of letter thats being sent to people.
    Transcript here http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k28lt1

  2. Which is contradicted by DWP on this http://www.dwp.gov.uk/adviser/updates/online-services-for-customers/

  3. This new Jobsmatch? My email is full of reports THIS wp.me/p1Awq-1gT isnt working, yet is a conditionality #carcrash

  4. This blog gives lots of details about Universal Jobsearch:


    It is not mandatory to sign up for it. Yet....

  5. More info on what you should avoid signing can be found at doNOTsign.com

    This will not just affect people claiming JSA. Single parents, parttime workers etc. could also be affected by this Orwellian nightmare.

  6. Maybe we should ask Anonymous to use their special 'talents'? ;)

  7. I cant comment on where or what anonymous should or shouldnt do


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