Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Its not just me that dont like them then...

I know it seems to be a bug of mine, this DWP/ATOS injustice.

Have a look at just five comments I found very easily very quickly for
a quick blog:

Matthew Feeney
I've just had my WCA. The woman doing it, asked me a few q's, do I
answer phone, sleep well etc. But nothing on my condition!

Dapper Dan
When will a law firm take on the government and #ATOS in the public
interest? This is a national scandal.

It's awful. My friend blew all his savings fighting ATOS for his dad
- they won. Now he's due in again!

vanessa teal
It is disturbing, they're crossing boundaries into some very sinister
and frightening territory

dolly daydream
think ATOS only class people as terminal if theyve got 6 month expiry
date. sucks eh!

*Many Thanks



*Many Thanks



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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

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