RISE Manchester launch event


Please promote this event to residents, friends and colleagues who may work professionally or have personal interest in the effects of drug misuse,

We are keen to spread the word about RISE Manchester and the public launch event on the afternoon of Thursday 14 February 2013 to make sure we get as many people as possible down to the Town Hall. 

Could I ask you to forward details about the event to any relevant networks or contacts? These may be colleagues within or outside your organisation, people or groups you work with or for, or distribution lists you look after or are part of. Your help with this would be very much appreciated.

RISE Manchester presents a free event for anyone affected by drug misuse in the city
12.30 - 5.00, Thursday 14 February 2013, Manchester Town Hall
RISE Manchester provides comprehensive, recovery-focused treatment for Manchester residents with substance misuse problems

This afternoon event will offer service users, carers, professionals and members of the public the chance to:

- Learn  more about RISE Manchester and meet the service providers
- Experience a Narcotics Anonymous and SMART recovery group
- Participate in seminars on over the counter drugs and 'legal' highs
- Request a carers assessment
- Watch a performance by Streetwise Opera
- Sign up to the RISE Manchester Service User and Carer Reference Group
- Find out more about other services, groups and opportunitie

Lunch will be provided and refreshments will be available throughout the afternoon.

The event will be followed at 5.15 by a candlelight vigil in Albert Square.

For more information please visit www.manchester.gov.uk/events/event/2713/ or contact Manchester Drug and Alcohol Strategy Team on 0161 219 6922, email dast@manchester.gov.uk.

To contact RISE Manchester please call 0800 988 1948.

Many thanks (in advance!)


Julian Andrejczuk
Drug & Alcohol Strategy Team
Manchester City Council
Public Health Manchester

Tel (Ext): 0161 219 6934
Tel (Int): 800 6934
E: j.andrejczuk@manchester.gov.uk

The launch of RISE Manchester, the city's new adult drug treatment system will take place on Thursday 14 February 2013 at Manchester Town Hall.
Please visit www.manchester.gov.uk/events/event/2713/ to find out more.

POSTAL ADDRESS: Manchester City Council, Public Health Manchester, P.O. Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA

LOCATION ADDRESS: One First Street, Manchester M15 4FN (for sat nav systems, please use M1 5DE).

For directions to Number One First Street visit:  www.manchester.gov.uk/firststreet

RISE Manchester is the new name for drug treatment services in Manchester
For more information please visit www.manchester.gov.uk/risemanchester




*Many Thanks




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