Four Days ago Trussell Trust said :" #BenefitsBritain just turned up unannounced at a foodbank despite being asked not to; we don't support demonising poverty."
This is sign of continual (and aimed to be continued) media trying to assault characters.
The day before Yesterday I saw a Journo/ telly request for People who KNEW anyone
overweight or that kept a pet and used a foodbank, to speak to.
Now combined with all the other stuffs we see if thats not deliberate
sensationalist bombardment, and poverty shaming/ poverty porn what is?
Try to counter this where ever you can, its insipid filthy media.
Thanks for this information,sadly even previously respected broadcasters,noteably the BBC in its Newsnight manipulated misportrayal of a young mum neglect basic journalistic standards; they couldn't find the character to fit their agenda/narrative and falsely depicted.