Friday, 11 September 2015

ESA REALITY : I asked Kell her ESA experience thoughts...

So tell me what your ESA reality is, Kell....

My experience with esa has been awful, gotten it 3 times, first 2 times had to go to appeal, once cos I got 0 points cos I had a little Make Up on, so had no other needs and could look after myself. 2nd time not enough points. Won on appeal twice, but the stress made me worse.

Now finally in support group and have pip, esa medical was worse than the PIP one!!

I'm lucky, my sister knows welfare rights and helps with stuff, I try,  but they send letter after letter with all different info.

Been having panic attacks this week cos of Hb etc cos daughter turned 18 and doesn't start course till end of September,  sis has sorted it, but still wobbly when the post man comes. It's like they wanna torture us.

(..Until I couldnt..) I used to do Cab debt advice for a living, but panic now with anything, wish I just had the me back from then!


So Ive blogged it. So you can see.

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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent