Are You A Carer Of A Disabled Child Or Adult?
If so would you be willing to write/keep a diary to share with others
as a guest post on the Social Welfare Union website?
All you need to do is write a short entry each day (or as often as you
can manage) for up to a month detailing your day and how it is to be a
in a word-processing programme (any will do). You can then send us
that document file which will be copied and blogged on your behalf.
Don't worry about typos we'll fix that for you. You do not need to
provide your real name or that of the person you care for if you do
not wish to.
Help us spread awareness about the demands of caring and how caring
duties affects those who look after disabled people. You may even be a
disabled person yourself who cares for someone else?
If you are interested please email >> <
with a little bit about yourself and who you care for.
If enough people respond we could even turn this into a full feature
on our website.
Mr Steven Preece
Founding Member, Social Welfare Union
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