Monday, 3 December 2012

Manchester Volunteers - A RAFT of Info here

Booking Appointments With Volunteer Centre Manchester For Your Clients Or Organisation 

If you have clients who wish to volunteer, please make sure you contact us beforehand to make an one to one appointment with one of our Development Workers.  

As we are a small team with large numbers of volunteers being referred to us, we need to ensure that we have enough staff to cover one to one sessions.  

To book an appointment is easy, you can call us on 0161 830 4770, e-mail or book online at 

Free CRB checks for Manchester Volunteers
A dedicated Criminal Records Bureau checking service for Manchester’s voluntary sector
Volunteer Centre Manchester and CRB Sevices Manchester are working in partnership to support Manchester’s community and volunteering groups.  If your volunteers require a criminal record check (CRB) before starting their volunteering then we can offer you the checks for free!
In addition to this you will get access to discounted CRB checks for your paid staff, access to training and advice on safe recruitment, conviction disclosure and expert CRB guidance.
For more information and to access the service please visit 
Volunteering Community Network (VCN) and Volunteer Coordinators Forum (VCF)
Please book your place by clicking on the relevant link below
.  If you do not book we will not be able to inform you of any changes which may take place before each session e.g change of venue etc.
Date:              Monday 10th December 2012
11am - 1.30pm (lunch and networking will be at 1.00pm)
Ground Floor Meeting Room, Macc, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW
To book: 
Date:              Wednesday 12th December 2012
      10am - 12noon
Board Room, Willow Park Housing Trust, 8 Poundswick Lane, Wythenshawe,
 Manchester, M22 9TA 
To book:     
Date:              Wednesday 12th December 2012
Time:             2pm - 4pm
     Ground Floor Meeting Room, Macc, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester,
 M4 5JW 
To book:     
Minutes from previous VCN and VCF meetings can now be found online. Please visit:
VCN -     
VCF -      
I have attached a VCN member form.  Following on from one of our previous meetings there was a request that we create a member form which highlights what each organisation does and the services or training that organisations / individuals can offer.  You can complete this and take it along to the meeting or e-mail it to Mark Pritchard on  We will have extra copies of the form at the meetings. 
If you are attending the meeting, we would be grateful if you could bring along any relevant training, funding or general opportunity information to be shared with the group.
If you have any agenda items, please e-mail them to Mark Pritchard at 
Follow us all on Facebook and Twitter
Why not join Volunteer Centre Manchester on Twitter at 

You can also follow Manchester Community Central at 
Manchester Event Volunteers can be found on Facebook at 
Volunteering Support Agency Annual Evaluation Questionnaire

If you have worked with or accessed services with any of the 10 Greater Manchester Volunteer Centres over the last 12 months, you can provide feedback via an online 8 question survey at

This will help inform Volunteering Greater Manchester of the quality of services provided by Centres and ways in which they may be improved.  Have your say now!
Social Media Surgeries 

Last Thursday of every month from 31 January 2013 at Macc, Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW

For more information and to book please visit: 
Safeguarding Toolkit - Drop in Support Sessions

The next drop-in sessions for groups that need further safeguarding advice/support the dates of the next 2 are:

23rd January 2013 (1pm - 3pm)
14th March 2013 (10am - 12 noon)

For more information please contact Nicola Shanahan
EMPLOYMENT - Full Time Volunteer Development Worker 

35 hours per week, SO1: £24,646-- £26,276, (depending on experience). This job is eligible for job share
To develop CHAC’s use of volunteers especially from the local communities and speakers of other languages, by providing a continual programme of recruitment, selection, training and supervision of volunteers. These volunteers will then provide a generalist legal advice service.
For more details and an application form please send an A5 SAE to:
Jeremy Engineer, Cheetham Hill Advice Centre,
1 Morrowfield Avenue, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, M8 9AR
or email for an electronic version of the application pack 

Closing date: 1pm Monday 17th December 2012
 TRAINING - Emergency First Aid at Work 
(For Manchester Voluntary and Community Organisations only)
If you wish to attend the training it is essential you complete the online booking form
This is the first of 3 Emergency First Aid at Work training sessions supported by Volunteer Centre Manchester and Manchester Community Central.
Friday 25th January 2013
9:30 - 16:30
Longsight (venue to be confirmed later)
Full details and the online booking form is available at: (please scroll down to the click here link to register) 
If you experience any difficulties with the online registration please contact a member of the team on 0333 321 3021 or email 
 Training Opportunity - Broadcast / PR / Marketing 
The project is centred around developing media/broadcast skills, covering things such as interviewing, planning content etc. While obviously this is a fabulous opportunity for anyone wishing to get into broadcast/PR/marketing, it will also help any jobseeker further develop their transferable skills. 
The only limits on who is eligible is that they must be in receipt of jobseekers allowance (we'll need proof of this) and 19 +. Ideally, attendees will be living in Greater Manchester, and preference will be given to those who are. 
As I mentioned, there's courses coming up until February, and the dates for the first two are as follows 
Course dates (half days)
5th Dec
12th Dec
19th Dec
9th January
16th January. 
All courses will be held in our offices in Manchester City Centre.
For more information please contact Sarah Carlin
 TRAINING OPPORTUNITY - Health Champion Training Understanding Health Improvement Level 2 
(For City of Manchester organisations and volunteers only)
Would you like to offer individuals practical support in making healthy lifestyle choices for themselves? 

If so you are in an ideal position to become a Health Champion and join
the Manchester Health Champion Network.  The first step to becoming a Health Champion is to undertake the Royal Society for Public Health Understanding Health Improvement accredited training. 
The next course will take place on:
            Friday 18th and 25th January 2013 
            9.30am start until 3.30pm (arrivals from 9am) 
            Manchester Public Health Development Service, Ground Floor Training Room, Victoria Mill, Miles Platting, M40 7LJ 
Reserve a place:
    Click here
Through this you will gain:   
  • The knowledge and confidence to be a health champion.
  • An understanding of what factors affect health
  • Ways to promote improvements in the health and wellbeing of others
  • An understanding of basic models of behaviour change and how we can use these
Please note:
1          To access any of these courses you must work or volunteer in the city of Manchester (not one of the other 9 boroughs).
2          Follow the links below to book online
3          All courses can hold a maximum of 15 people so please book early to avoid disappointment
4          If the courses are full and you cannot book on, please call Mark Pritchard on 0161 830 4770 who can place you on a reserve list.
5          A requirement of attending the training will be to sign up to a pledge, stating that you will train at least 2 external organisations       in what you have learned at the                 session.
6          Manchester Public Health Development Team will charge £75 for a no show (though there is no charge if a cancellation is made using the original form within 24 hours of the course start date).
 TRAINING - Manchester Social Media Surgeries

What do you want to achieve by using social media in your workplace?

• Are you ‘Facebooked out?!’ Need help with your account?
• Do you want to know what everyone is twittering on about?
• Have you already got a wordpress account and have specific questions for us?
• Do you want to use video or pictures on the web to raise the awareness of your group or cause?

Last Thursday of every month from 31 January 2013 at Macc, Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW

Your place is free! To book visit:

Come and bring any social media questions and our volunteers and social media experts will help you out!
 VOLUNTEERING - The Land Army 

Greater Manchester Land Army have been invited to help Glebelands City Growers in Sale clear the ground and prepare for winter on Wednesday 19th December. This is a great opportunity to meet the growers and view their diverse urban site. We will be leaving Hulme at 9.30am and back by 5pm (probably before as it is not far away). Lunch, hot drinks, gloves and tools provided. You would need to bring sturdy boots and wet weather gear.

If you would like to volunteer please email if you can join us. 
 GENERAL -  International Women's Day Awards 
As part of Manchester’s International Women’s Day celebrations the city’s Women’s Awards take place at Manchester Town Hall on Friday 8 March 2013. The awards allow us to recognise the amazing contribution women make to the city and to redress the underrepresentation of women in many industries by celebrating local women's achievements. 

If you know a woman from Manchester or with Manchester connections that deserves an award, nominate them here: 

Nominations close on 11th January 2013. 

GENERAL - First Ever Manchester Survey of the Third Sector

Macc have commissioned the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University to assess the current size and scope of voluntary and community activity in Manchester. We want to build up a full picture of the wide range of groups and organisations, the activities that you undertake; the areas you work in; the communities you work with the general income and expenditure, volunteers and any paid staff; experiences of working with the public sector and the help, advice and support available to you.

This information will identify the contribution and impact of the voluntary and community sector in Manchester and provide a tool which we can all use to influence decision makers, inform policy and drive improvements in Manchester. However, this research will only be useful if enough groups take part to make the response rate significant.

This means that it is important that as many groups as possible answer. Please do fill in the survey to help us build a clear and accurate picture of the size, shape and contribution of the sector in Manchester. The survey will also help provide local government and partners with your views on their performance and help them understand the challenges your group faces.  

A wide number of charities, voluntary, community, and faith groups, and social enterprises have been asked to take part – groups of all sizes. Please add your voice to this group and make sure you are included. If you are in touch with other local community groups or voluntary organisations, please encourage them to take part as well. 

If your group has a turnover of less than £100k a year, you will automatically be entered into a prize draw to win a Flip camcorder and a day of one-to-one training to help you showcase your work!

To complete the survey online click here:   

You will need to enter your unique reference to complete the survey, if you haven’t received a letter or email with your unique number please contact Michelle Foster, on 0161 834 9823, or email:

Please complete the survey as soon as you can by Friday 21 December 2012.

The answers you give will be treated in the strictest confidence, used for research purposes only and will not be published in a way that identifies you or your organisation.  

If you have any questions or queries about the survey please contact my colleague Michelle Foster, on 0161 834 9823, or email: who is co-ordinating this work in Manchester. 

The ARDWICK CONNECT TEAM provide information, advice and support to ARDWICK and RUSHOLME residents aged 18 - 65 who are independent and simply need help with getting in touch with the right agencies.

We can help you:
improve your confidence and help you feel better about yourself, manage your money and debts, improve your family life, find answers to benefits and housing queries, get back into work or volunteering.

Call 234 5922 to find out more or e-mail You can also visit us at the Sure Start Centre on Bushmoor Walk in the Grove Village estate; we’re open 9am to 4.30pm Monday – Friday.
 WE NEED MORE FANS!!!!  MEV Official wants to keep up with you on Facebook. 

To find us on Facebook, visit 

Manchester Event Volunteers
t: 0161 234 1532


1 comment:

Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent