Thursday, 8 October 2015

Briefing Your MP? many ways to do it…

Your MP should get you answers from any MP or Minister you ask them to. Or access relevant info, or alternative sourc for answer. 
Now please read this, in part on why it matters.. 

Philip Hammond has sent two really stunted denials, one about a UN Investigation, subduing his response to , possibly, stating a standard annual report of GOVT engagement with UN, changing investigation to a standard report… I will pursue that more in due course., Hammond has sent a few obfuscations, and IDS speaks nonsense , but because I ask, my MP knows IDS, and the others are talking shite as my questions go via him. Thats how you get your MP aware of your issues, you ask them to find answer from relative minister or MP. That way you are briefing your MP and the attitude of the Minister or MP. See how that works? 
Briefly an insight here on why the communicating is important, IT CAN brief your MP by searching an answer as well as any direct briefing you give.

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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent