Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Is DWP to be placed in Foodbanks empty PR? a question /comment.

Lets look at a charity. with a building. its workers, its responsibiities. 

And Look at if You or I could waltz up and say i wanna work in your building , with your clients, with our rules, you must let me. 

What would they say? Yeah probably that of which you are thinking. 

Yet DWP POSSIBLY going into foodbanks (charities/their buildings) doesnt raise this sort of question in your mind? 

Power, space, furniture, risk etc ? 
How the hell does anyone see this working ? Co-operation? sheesh. What about them as harranging enough, and being sort of safe spaces away from what CAUSED the visit in the first place? 

I dont see this as a good thing. Independent advisors non DWP connected , by arrangement, possibly.
 Enforced WE are DOING this sort of stuff. I would see as very problematic indeed.

Struggling charities though may decide to say OKAY , should there be cost contribution from DWP. 

But I do think its a very very shaky idea, and i say that using KIND words. You probably know what i really mean by that. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

The Workie Advert


Re Workie ad .
i emailed my mp on that as follows :

Im a bit annoyed, as im sure many are with the advertising of workplace pensions at a cost of £8.5 million pounds.
And the animated monstrosity character beggars belief, directed at adults on a very serious matter, and its a joke?
And the name of the character, "Workie" .
This purports to be the Government of the country, and this latest farcical action is one of many many actions where their arrogance, or even dare I say vanity, becomes entirely nonsensical.

I wouldnt know what to suggest apart from expression of scorn, at a minimum. But One thing for sure, many see it as   a ludicrus wasteful act, from the teflon minister who can do no wrong in their own eyes. (in others eyes he shouldve left that role years ago)

Saturday, 17 October 2015

New Order Music Complete

So I dont HAVE to keep looking for it! Or you either. 

New Order, Music Complete .

My art.. 

I was wondering about views on Uniformity...

I was wondering about views on uniformity,

Do we all like coffee? No. The same Uniform coffee, if we do? No.

If we are tired? Is their one Uniform explanation? No

And then i was thinking , so what if there was Uniform, simplistic system for dealing with needs and rights of people, when the answers to Do We All, are often NO?

A sort of Occam's Razor Fits All type thing? Which sort of wouldnt work.

And then that threw Universal Credit into my mind. What a shambles.

One solution doesnt always fit all. You can tend to uniformity, but really need to build in  as much as is needed.. and my head stopped...

And then I ran out of thinking for blogging this.

But then , i saw this from the blogger at, a mental health blogger, it wasnt blogged though, it was thrown to the wind that is social media.

This basically is what I was thinking of … they wrote..

"Whenever a simple solution like a one-size-fits-all pay structure or uniform benefits system is proposed or imposed, the people who lose out are those whose individual circumstances were previously taken into account (AND SERIOUSLY ARENT ANYMORE) ; so, those for whom a sink-or-swim model fits - those in power, those for whom society already works - don't. And, since the latter are making the decisions, they think it makes things more fair.

Those who see reasons as excuses, circumstances as weakness, individuals as messy, will favour straightforward simplicity. Well, they would.

Making adjustments to enable people to participate more fully in society may seem more complex, but it's what makes us human. "

Mightnt make much sense to some, but ..

Do you see?

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Are There Answers for the Local MP ? Housing in PRS - Eastbourne. Nichola's story

Having myself a serious interesting in matters housing, and noting the current government not wishing to improve very much the Private Rental Sector, or increase the level of social, decent homes in this country, well, not visibly. Note recent policy decisions. Thats not what this piece is about though. 

Im talking here to Nichola, livng in Eastbourne , who has been speaking to me for a while over her own housing issues there. 

Shelter are aware, and the local news service (of bbc) too. 
This piece is distinctly apart from either of those organisations. 

So I knew of multiple aspects of Nichola's experiences, as shared with me on social media freely. 

And so I asked what the story really is..

The narrative now follows: 

So Nichola, i note you have a medical condition that is worsened by your housing experiences, do you mind letting readers know what that is please? 

"I have adenomyosis a very painful hormonal condition worsened by stress and severe migraines"

Can I share that? (yes)

So overall please describe your feelings on housing in the area you live ..

"I feel that Eastbourne Borough Council and the MP Caroline Ansell should be doing (a lot) more to help people who are homeless in Eastbourne it is meant to be a seaside town that has much wealth more should be done"

And your own experience is complicated, may i share the story in your own words? (answer yes)

Heres Nichola's experiences, in her words

"My partner and I needed a home so Brighton Housing Trust found us (a home) out of the Friday ads in Eastbourne.
They assured me that the landlord was lovely and so Eastbourne Borough Council paid the deposit for us and we moved in.

Day one the plumbing and electrics did not work the landlord was not interested. 

It went on from there every day there was a problem. 

The landlord who we met and paid cash up front to then decided she was no longer the landlord and her family member took over. He was even worse one excuse after the other why repairs could not be done. 

We then went to the Environmental Health at Eastbourne Borough Council in the hope that they would identify the problems and move us as by this time there was a bad infestation of beetles in the kitchen.

They got into all our food and bedding. 

The Environmental Health told the landlord to get pest control but nothing stopped the infestation as in the ceiling ,above the ceiling tiles ,there are lots of holes and no insulation so insects have nested there."

Readers please now note those ceiling tiles should be checked as safe, suitable, and removed if unsafe. That is a standard habitability and safety issue. And the infestation issue is a health issue that remains.

Nichola continues ..

"Time and time again we asked the council to get the landlord to do repairs but the landlord refused. 

On one occasion the landlord turned up and pushed me at the door saying that I am mental and it is all in my head. 

This was not the case we have pictures of the defects and problems in the flat. " 


"The Council took the landlords side in everything and not once considered how we are being affected by the situation. The flat is uninhabitable the bbc and shelter have seen the state of the property."

Have you anything else to share?

"(yes) I approached the new mp for Eastbourne regarding the housing shortage MP Ansell had absolutely no interest whatsoever about it. 

Now there are over 5000 homeless applications being looked at, a lack of knowledge of the housing department and a definate lack of social housing in the area. 

Too many families relying on foodbank to survive while living in a room in a hotel or in a shop doorway. 

I spoke to a couple in the doorway of Boots the Chemist a couple of weeks ago and they said they are there because the council would not help them to sort out problems in their flat as their landlord wouldnt do repairs so they were evicted"

I thanked Nichola for that, and now ask the question…if you ran a council, or were an MP or a private landlord , could you STAND a story like this against your reputation?

This is real. It exists.

Update : friday 16th october : Nichola and partner are being evicted too, for complaining to the private landlord about the catalogue of errors.

I leave this with you. - Jules

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Briefing Your MP? many ways to do it…

Your MP should get you answers from any MP or Minister you ask them to. Or access relevant info, or alternative sourc for answer. 
Now please read this, in part on why it matters.. 

Philip Hammond has sent two really stunted denials, one about a UN Investigation, subduing his response to , possibly, stating a standard annual report of GOVT engagement with UN, changing investigation to a standard report… I will pursue that more in due course., Hammond has sent a few obfuscations, and IDS speaks nonsense , but because I ask, my MP knows IDS, and the others are talking shite as my questions go via him. Thats how you get your MP aware of your issues, you ask them to find answer from relative minister or MP. That way you are briefing your MP and the attitude of the Minister or MP. See how that works? 
Briefly an insight here on why the communicating is important, IT CAN brief your MP by searching an answer as well as any direct briefing you give.

Saturday, 3 October 2015


With help

Heres about Linkis

Linkis hides original links so they can't be saved or shared without spreading their spam.

Linkis puts banners + pop-ups over the page, frustrating on mobile devices, interferes with screen readers for blind people.

Linkis tweets automated spam from the accounts of anyone who unwittingly signs up for it.

Linkis includes tracking of every link tweeted and clicked.
Can i confirm its an extreme privacy denier and data miner?

Its extreme malware

Heres one link that talks about removal > Removal of linkis

Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent