Sunday, 5 June 2011

FIGHT THE WELFARE BILL - Lobby Your MP : 6th to 11th June

MPs are expected take a final vote on Iain Duncan Smith’s Welfare Reform Bill this month, June 2011. The LRC Welfare Reform Bill briefing sets out why the Bill should be opposed, and was sent to every Labour MP in March (the last time Parliament debated the Bill).

The Bill is an attempt to scapegoat those on welfare, part of the coalition’s plans to slash £18 billion from welfare payments. The plans will also further privatise we
lfare delivery and result in a less generous and more punitive welfare system at a time when people need it more than ever. Last time, the Labour frontbench abstained on the Bill, this time we need Labour to pick a side and clearly vote against the Bill - banishing the legacy of privatisation, sanctions and workfare that was pushed by New Labour ministers like James Purnell.

This is definitely when You need your MP to Oppose the Bill

PCS has also recently launched a new pamphlet, ‘Welfare: an alternative vision’. The 24-page booklet was unveiled at a public meeting in Brighton – during PCS’s conference in the city. The aim is to arm activists with the information needed to campaign against attacks on benefits – and to put forward ideas for the future of the welfare state. Speaking at the launch, LRC Chair John McDonnell MP, said:

“This small booklet challenges the big lies that form the basis of this government’s welfare reform policies. Every time a politician or political commentator tries to spew out the same old myths about scroungers and benefits fraud or the abuse of the system, just swat them intellectually with the facts and arguments set out in this excellent booklet.”

Defend jobs. Even though unemployment remains high, in May the government announced a further 2,400 job cuts in the Department for Work and Pensions. Lobby your MP against these cuts.


Suggested letter:

Dear (MP)

I write to ask that you OPPOSE the Welfare Reform Bill on this months vote.

The Bill is an attempt to scapegoat those on welfare, part of the coalition’s plans to slash £18 billion from welfare payments. The plans will also further privatise welfare delivery and result in a less generous and more punitive welfare system at a time when people need it more than ever.

There is true need within this country.

Please note the FIGURE of £18 Billion is a "We will reduce regardless" figure that ignores the True and Actual Needs within this society.

I therefore on vote request that you oppose this Bill

Name address etc.

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