Luxury on the sick? NOPE
I need one of these. Cant afford though >
Or i need a new charging port, but thats likely over 150 quid.
So thats impossible on the money I get for ESA, but everyone wants Digital, and I do stuff digital.
So mr IDS and all media. THIS ISNT LUXURY and yet its stuff you all can DO without blinking.
So luxury on the sick? Get real will ya.
Or i need a new charging port, but thats likely over 150 quid.
So thats impossible on the money I get for ESA, but everyone wants Digital, and I do stuff digital.
So mr IDS and all media. THIS ISNT LUXURY and yet its stuff you all can DO without blinking.
So luxury on the sick? Get real will ya.
I wish I could get it for you! You help alot and should be rewarded for you helpy things sometimes. Hope someone gets it for you, you do deserve it! Xx