Thursday, 25 August 2011

An UNFAIR direct hit on some of the most financially excluded individuals in the country. By A State Owned Bank.

I emailed my MP today as I felt OUTRAGE at the RBS bank saying it was to charge BASIC CASH ONLY ACCOUNT HOLDERS fees for using non-RBS cash machines (ATMs)

I include the email here should you also feel this outrage and wish to email YOUR own MP.


Thursday 25 August 2011
Dear Gerald Kaufman,
So RBS are introducing charges for the use of other bank machines for
those with a 'cash only' Basic Account. This is a state owned bank
directly affecting the lives of the poor and another step towards two
tier banking.
Please prevent the State Owned RBS charging Cash Only Basic Account
Holders fees for cash machines. Or indeed force a removal of the
This is a direct hit on some of the most financially excluded
individuals in the country, and in Gorton we have a lot of people with
this type of account.
I look forward in anticipation of your actions in the House.
Yours sincerely,

If you do email, obviously include name address, email, phone. Mail YOUR own MP. You can do this easily from

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Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent