Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Housing Act V Bedroom Tax - UPDATED BLOG

Following the conversation below, I've included it here. The doc from Orbit is misleading and gives false hope.

Conversation between me and a Housing Professional 

Jules, the 1985 hsing act has been overriden by the 2004 
That info is wrong

Okay so Orbit Housing are wrong then?

If your TA says 3 beds, no matter the size you pay for 3
Unless the HA  reclassifies the property it is irrelevant

So the room size thing that says 50sqft under 1yr, 50-70 up to 10 etc ALL gone?

it's a single bedroom as defined by the housing provider.
It can be taken up and challenged legally, but right now it's a false hope


So the guide orbit has circulated is incorrect.

This worth reading and hanging on to

Unless the HA reclassify a 3 bed as a 2 bed, if the 
tenancy agreement states 3 bed, it's a 3 bed for hb purposes

Thought so but the bods at Orbit issued it out to their staff to remove boxroom myth flying on FB

If they ((GOVT)) agreed to the room dimension argument 
HA's would have decades of charged rent to pay back and HB would need to claim it back
.. that wont happen
where's the link?..to orbit

Hold on... take a couple of minutes...

Theyre on twitter as @orbitheart

I rt'd their thingy earlier extracted their staff guide from their link, Is in my timeline somewhere.
OrbitHeartOfEngland @OrbitHeart
We have produced a staff briefing to help dispel the 'boxroom myth' which has started circulating on Facebook... ow.ly/injKN

There's nothing on their leaflet about boxrooms, and they refer to the room size theory as a 'myth'

Yes and the blog is the copied two page leaflet

There is absolutely nothing about room dimensions making people exempt. The Tenancy agreement signed is whats applicable.

Yes thats what i thought, and I think their guide says how
the BEDROOM tax will be applied?

The TA is the legally binding contract and the info 
provided on it. ... as written by the govt.

I'll edit blog

Best do. The sooner that myth dies a death the better. 
It's giving people false hope.


-----------------------------This is what we were talking about ---------


  1. My contract states my houses permitted number is 7 but according to bedroom tax rules its OK for 8 people depending on age, relationship etc.

  2. This is tosh - a landlord trying to hold on to their power to determine the number of bedrooms in a house. That decision is taken ONLY by the local authority, not by a landlord with a vested interest. And if landlords have been overcharging for rooms which were legally too small to be classed as bedrooms, they can pay the money back.

    To repeat, the statutory authority here is the local council that pays the benefit, not the landlord.

    1. Dear Anonymous. I think you might be missing the point.
      IF the tenancy agreement says you have 3 beds, you have three beds, if it says 2 then you have 2.
      Thats the key. THE TENANCY AGREEMENT.


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