Thursday, 18 April 2013

My view on Age Restrictions on Adapted Homes

Social Housing : 
My view on Age Restrictions on Adapted Homes
Ever feel "AAAAARGH"?

It seems lots of people I deal with/ speak to have adaptations issues and obtaining either the adaptations or an adapted home. 

*Regarding obtaining adapted home*: 

Lots of Places have adapted homes age limits. This is a common thing. 

However, i know of situations where the restrictive rules can be adapted , e.g in hard to let areas, or by appealing to housing management for special case, as most policies have the ability of exceptions by invoking the right to a home. 

THATS THE THING REALLY getting the recognition and visibility. 

The main way that age limits can get changed in individual cases is by housing officers/ managers proactively presenting the case of the housing applicant. 

This could also involve agreement of the housing occupiers within the age restricted area. 

In my view a presentation is of lifestyle not being disruptive or distressing to existing demographic. Also a proof that other places ARENT available any time soon.

There is no guarantee that age restrictions can be changed, but i'd suggest if needed get your councillors on board enhancing your visibility of search, and giving greater kudos to your occupancy intent. This may not make total sense. But is my thoughts on sometimes a very difficult situation. Because often there are few or zero adapted homes outside the age restricted properties. This is something that matters to me, as "vunerable" or "in need" is the same whatever the age, surely. 


  1. I'm Collating stories on this subject. Another Blog post has stories and situations.

  2. Thats why ive had such difficulty. Im under 55 so couldnt get an adapted property for 6 years. I am a full time wheelchair user. Now I have my home im likely to become homeless due to the bedroom tax :-(


Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent