Saturday, 14 July 2018

The one Where i turned down training someone's dog.

Was asked to help train ( by help , they meant train ) a dog thats a bit untrained so to speak. For nowt. I carefully considered that , and asked questions as well. And i tested the person as to whether they would listen, copy, and do what i was to be suggesting, which isnt draconian, military or a la barbara woodhouse malarkey.... i doubted they would emulate, or even try.... the simples stuff i was gonna get dog sorted with. So rather than confuse the dog i said to person that unless they would stick to what i was gonna say/ do... and that means all in their house as well... AND commit to three determined walks a day as well, i wasnt gonna do it for them. See going to a "space" or "Outside" with a dog , although people often THINK thats mostly the key, the key does start with what i describe as Determined Walks. That doesnt mean having a sniper dog (thats one sniffing everything and zoomng about all the time--- Thats allowable when *you* decide) you have to have the determined controlled walk as a core. And build from that. Without that , in my experience , other stuff can wait. Apart from the housebreaking? Which funny enough IS solved with DETERMINED WALKS . Theres lots of crossover bits and bobs to this. But i dont think the person would "be up for" the fix they wanted/ indicated they wanted. And certainly and often its Owners that need the training MORE THAN THE DOG.
However , im not an "expert" per se, although i seriously do know what im doing

Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent