Thursday, 15 March 2018

Poem : They did, but didnt, but did

I did a poem they said they understood
i did art they said buy they would
They didnt, and didnt
But what they did didnt
match the aim and caused a schism
They used instead
A thread
Of use brain, and drain
Without reinforcement
and what they meant
was, and is a division
of soul between
realisation and possibleism
From one place where both exists
But given no grace
for all that that can be
and should .
The users ,
and may i say abusers
Of my worth,
May i say forth...
Making my soul into a piece of wood .

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Doesnt spam email get bored ?

Heres a spam email i got.

Dont they get bored? I know, its send out shit loads hoping someone falls for it, but the ludicrous nature of some (Like this) makes me wonder why they even bother sometimes. Yeah, its a numbers game for them .

This'll probably make you go O mi life, or pee yourself laughing....

"Good Day,

Please get back to me very quickly for a detailed brief on an ongoing plot to steal your ATM CARD. I do not know your reason for not claiming this ATM CARD before now. My Boss the Director General of Debt Management Office (DMO) is on leave and the person who is his deputy is trying to send your ATM CARD to another beneficiary in Indonesia, I heard him speaking to the person on the telephone about sending some ATM CARD to him for him to withdraw the money and invest on his behalf in Indonesia.

When I heard their conversation, I decided to see what I can do to assist you so that your card will not be among the ATM CARD he will steal with the PIN and send to Indonesia, So I quickly went into his office when he went on break and remove the envelope containing your ATM CARD with the PIN. I have made arrangement to send the card to you and it will cost you the sum of $380.00. I want you to send out this amount immediately to avoid loosing your ATM CARD.

Also confirm your full name, direct telephone number and your receiver's address to avoid any mistake. I am waiting for your urgent reply to this email now. Do not respond to this message if you are not ready to pay $380 for sending of the ATM CARD to you.

Mr. Neil Olgia" 

Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent