Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Perils of Pain and Ptsd

Just some notes really. Nothing Supremely Enlightening.

Adds 1.2km to diary . one dog walk. Also records during and after pain or throb or feeling .

Thats so i CAN tell hospital exacts. Not easy but have had to "Walk through" even since "it "happened and went post crutches. HAD to.
helps having dog . Had 5 months after Biggs without which was a bit yuk, to tell ya the truth. Also Biggs and Kaz both quite assistant, (RIP The Biggles) in the actually going out with the soc.anx/ ptsd post "that assault". If with dog, - hard to explain, its a different feeling "Out there" without .

Had soc.anx before it. But it got a bit magnified. I do get "windows" of "this is sort of okay", without dog, but then a BOOM... really hard to explain that one. That bit? DWP ignored, as they did with foot etc, as they did with all the stuff i mentioned/ listed.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent