Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Landlines Phone Scam Alert

 This arrived in my Email

(EDIT: There were email addresses here in original message. Removed. )


I received a call from a 'representative' of BT, informing me that he was disconnecting me because of an unpaid bill.

He demanded payment immediately of £31.00 or it would be £ 118.00 to re-connect at a later date.
The guy wasn't even fazed when I told him I was with Virgin Media,
allegedly VM have to pay BT a percentage for line rental!
I asked the guy's name - he gave me as John Peacock
& phone number -  0800 0800 152      .

Obviously the fellow realized I didn't believe his story, so offered
to demonstrate that he was from BT. I asked how & he told me to hang up &
try phoning someone - he would disconnect my phone to prevent this.

My phone was dead - no engaged tone, nothing - until he phoned me

Very pleased with himself, he asked if that was enough proof that he
was with BT.
I asked how the payment was to be made & he said credit card,
there & then.
I said that I didn't know how he'd done it, but I had absolutely no
intention of paying him, I didn't believe his name or that he worked
for BT.

He hung up.

I dialed 1471 - number withheld
I phoned his fictitious 0800 number - not recognized.

So I phoned the police to let them know. I wasn't the first! It's only
just started apparently, but it is escalating.

Their advice was to let as many people as possible know of this scam.

The fact that the phone does go off would probably convince some
people it's real, so please make as many friends & family aware of this.

How is it done?
This is good but not that clever. He gave the wrong number - it should
have been             0800 800 152       which takes you through to BT Business.
The cutting off of the line is very simple, he stays on the line with
the mute button on and you can't dial out - but he can hear you
trying. (This is because the person who initiates a call is the one to
terminate it).

When you stop trying he cuts off and immediately calls back.
You could almost be convinced!

The sad thing is that it is so simple that it will certainly fool

By the way this is not about getting the cash as this would not get
past merchant services - it is all about getting the credit card details
which include the security number, so that it can be used for far
larger purchases.

Police Community Support Officer

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Blog Version of Energy Review Request Event.

Created by:
Jules Real Clarke, Patricia Walker
For The Virtual Gherkin On Facebook
More info

20 October · 07:00 - 23:30


This event has been set up to replace the original one as we feel it will have more impact if people can send emails at the same time. The draft letter has been adapted to mention the cut in winter fuel allowance & restrictions on the new Warm Home Discount, which is replacing Social Tariffs.

As we are all aware, in recent months there has been a massive rise in prices of GAS and electricity.

The Shadow Energy Secretary has informed us that The Opposition have requested that energy suppliers are investigated by the Competition Commision

And his words were "That the Government must be convinced to do it"

He also Supported our concerns over the likely impact upon people.
He Said the way for confidence to be gained by customers was a full investigation into pricing.

So we would ask that you write (Email) your MP/Lord asking that British Gas and the Other Energy Suppliers are referred to the Competition Commission and a full investigation over pricing is undertaken. Please also send a copy of your email to the media – list of email addresses will be posted later.

This really is important because if theres ANY chance of controlling these catastrophic energy price rises we must take it.

***ED MILLIBAND said Labour would fight for the people on energy matters, but we can do this for ourselves too***

Here is a draft email, please feel free to use it or adapt it for your own purpose. You may like to add your own story for more impact.

Please send an email to your MP & also send a copy to the media. Links below.
Dear Name(mp)

I am sure you are aware of the recent huge rises in domestic energy costs.

The Shadow Energy Secretary has informed people publicly that The Opposition have requested that energy suppliers are investigated by the Competition Commision

This is to try and bring some sense to this and to protect the paying customers, and prevent excessive impact and harm to individuals throughout the nation.

As a concerned member of the public affected by these horrendous price rises, I would ask that British Gas and the other energy suppliers are referred to the Competition Commission and that a full investigation of pricing is undertaken.

This is a subject of extreme public interest, in particular this year because the winter fuel allowance is being reduced by £50 for the over sixties and £100 for the over eighties. Furthermore, not everyone eligible for the new Warm Home Discount, which is to replace social tariffs, will receive it because of funding limits. Once again this will impact on the elderly, sick, disabled and most vulnerable of our society.

I hope you can push for this referral and for any subsequent recommendations to then be upheld.

Name address tel etc.

As requested by many:

EMAIL CONTACTS: (You may need to copy and past these links into your browser)

1 BBC mike.sergeant@bbc.co.uk

... 2 Have your say bbc.co.uk/haveyoursay

3 ITV Tonight mailto: tonight@itv.com

4 Channel 4 News news@channel4.com

5 Five studio@five.tv

6 Sky news@sky.com & newsonline@bskyb.com

7 Newsnight newsnight@bbc.co.uk

8 Politics Show politicsshow@bbc.co.uk

9 Andrew Marr show http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/andrew_marr_show/8379560.stm (Leave comment)

10 form for This week with Andrew Neal http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/this_week/contact_us/default.stm


11 The Independent
Letters: letters@independent.co.uk

12 The Guardian
News: home@guardian.co.uk
Letters: letters@guardian.co.uk

13 The Morning Star
News: lettersed@peoples-press.com

14 The Evening Standard
Letters: letters@standard.co.uk

15 The New Statesman

16 The Telegraph
Letters: dtletters@telegraph.co.uk

17 The Mirror
Letters: mailbox@mirror.co.uk

18 The Times
News: editor@the-times.co.uk
Letters: letters@the-times.co.uk

19 The Sun
News: editor@the-sun.co.uk
Letters: talkback@the-sun.co.uk

20 The Daily Mail
News: editorial@dailymailonline.co.uk
Letters: letters@dailymail.co.uk

21 The Observer
editor letters@observer.co.uk

If you want to contact your MP and why not? Here’s a useful link to find your MP’s email address: http://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/

Friday, 7 October 2011

Support November 30th Strikes *N30*


Email/ Internet everywhere

Created by: Adam Lotun Wda, Loraine Hardy, Jules Real Clarke, Patricia Walker
For The Virtual Gherkin On Facebook

More info
Unison, GMB, Unite, NIPSA, FBU, PCS, Prospect, NUT, ATL, UCU, NASUWT, NAHT, NAPO, UCAC, and EIS are set to take co ordinated strike action on November 30th

On November 30th 2011 many Unions will be striking against their Pension Reforms and government spending cuts.

Many more will be supporting them. Those not in a union, members of the public, students, the unemployed are all encouraged to do what they can to show solidarity and support.

Many people are unable to attend a picket line or a demo for various reasons, therefore a mass email event has been proposed.

Send emails of support and solidarity to all media outlets, including local media in your area. And, should you wish your MP too.

Let's remind them who they work for! Let's show them that we aren't willing to lay down and take this, we are all going to fight their oppressive, unnecessary changes and cuts!

If You want a suggested Letter you could start with something like this:

Dear (editor/name/whoever)

Regarding The November 30th Strike Actions

I am not able to attend the Strike Actions for (reason)

This does in no way mean I dont fully support the actions being taken.

I and many others hope that this sends the correct and very direct, strong message to this current Government that they are NOT acting in the interests of most of the people in this country, but rather for a "protected middle England".
We cannot accept that excluding swages of citizens from considerations is correct.
Pensions being punitively changed, Public Services cut, jobs lost, libraries closing, people being Hit Hard by cuts that are in no way acceptable to those being hurt by them. The pensions changes will penalise thousands and thousands of hard working public workers.

May this serve to show the Government that people have had enough of the rough handed, ill thought out and damaging actions from the Government.

Name.address etc.

Fatboy Slim - Lockdown Mixtape (Week 14)

During Lockdown these have been quite excellent, and 14 so far have all been excellent